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Current directions in physics, quantum physics, and studies of consciousness indicate that everything is connected. There is no such thing as space. Therefore, while each unique biological entity has a contact boundary that distinguishes it from its surrounding environment, that entity is also intricately connected to its environment and the greater universe. Moreover, in Self Soul Spirit, we hold the philosophical position that everything ultimately exists within a universal consciousness.


Spiritual traditions have taught us about universal consciousness since antiquity. With the modern tools of science and critical analysis, studies in quantum physics, higher forms of mathematics, biology, and applied philosophy are providing fertile ground that allows us to further posit the notion of a universal consciousness. Individualized consciousness is conferred upon unique biological entities in the form of their Soul (life-force), yet that consciousness is derived from the Universal Spirit which connects us all. Spirit is the Great Mystery, the special all encompassing force of the Creator, Universal Love, the Great Web of Being that connects all things. 


Thomas Aquinas and others are credited with saying, “We may be able to say what God is not, we are not able to say what God is.” We cannot adequately describe the great ineffable mystery of Spirit, yet many of us seek to lead lives of spiritual significance. The Self Soul Spirit model proffers that it is the responsibility of the Soul to direct the Self in life here on Earth to honor the interaction between nature (genetics) and nurture (living experiences) in the attempt to live a meaningful and purposeful life. That life is ultimately delivered to the Universal Spirit. It behooves each of us to select forms of spirituality and apply them in every aspect of our living.

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