Integrating Nature and Nurture
Modern genetic research has unveiled a crucial reality: no two human beings are alike. Each person is a unique entity; even identical twins exhibit genetic differences. Decades of replicable research have demonstrated that individuals bring their own unique personality predispositions into this world. They develop and strengthen those genetic proclivities based on everyday life experiences, major life-events, and factors related to our consciousness. Nature and nurture are woven together in complex interactions through the course of development to make you who you are.
"Who you are" is a question with great implications as we are learning more about the profound nature of consciousness in our universe and how it relates to our personal uniqueness. Physics and astronomy have verified that there is no such thing as space, and we are all connected. Therefore, what happens in one part of the universe happens simultaneously in every part of the universe. Together, our uniqueness and interconnectedness have major significance in the process of working with Self, Soul, and Spirit. Following those premises, we specialize in supporting you to discover who you are, and to direct that awareness towards cultivating a deeply fulfilling life in our interconnected universe.
The Self Soul Spirit model provides an opportunity for you to honor your unique Self, Soul, and Spiritual discovery. Moreover, it assists you in discovering your creative choices about how to direct that very uniqueness. We have cultivated a process to support your ability to function and thrive with a strong sense of well-being. Our model applies a carefully composed spectrum of scientific applications from genetics, neurology, and developmental sciences, to applied knowledge from gestalt therapy, humanistic psychology, studies of consciousness and Soul, and the honoring of spiritual realities.